Multi-Planning ramps up its international service with a new website & application

by Romain Priot

Nantes, France.

Multi-Planning announced today completing a major overhaul of the international version of its website. This is in response to the ever growing international demand and better serve the needs of a wider range of potential users.

First-mover in the Cloud before Google Calendar was even born, the company of the City of the Dukes has proven a key alternative provider in shared calendar and online collaborative work solutions in France and Europe.

A brand new website

The Multi-Planning team has therefore spent significant Christmas holiday time revamping its website and its app, for an even more user friendly experience, with better visibility and access to all the online features, regardless of whether using a desktop or a mobile device.

The new website.

« Since the beginning, Multi-Planning unique viewing features gave our users an edge over other SaaS apps plannings.

Often, they come to us after having spent thousands of dollars/euros spent on large company ERP or CRM, frustrated by the ergonomics.

Most of our users are non-technical, and they appreciate the one-to-one training and configuration that is included in all our offers.»

Thomas Blasco, Head of Customer Service.

About Multi-Planning

Multi-Planning is a time-management and scheduling software built for teams, founded by Pierre Gobin and Alexander Serre early 2005 in Nantes, France.

The company has always targeted its online products and services primarily to SMEs in the Service and Manufacturing industries, notably Facility Management.

Since the beginning, innovation, modularity, customization and customer support have been written in the DNA of the company.

Today, it serves over 1,000 customers across Europe and Northern America with its Online Planning Software and CRM solution.

For more information, feel free to consult Multi-Planning About Us section, or contact Multi-Planning Customer Service Department at :

Want to learn more about Multi-Planning ?

Contact our Customer Service

Call us on +33 2 40 25 99 43
or write to Multi-Planning Customer Service : contact [at ]

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