Transparent Offers tailored to your activity

One team size, one flat fee, zero surprises.

All of our offers include
interractive training, set-up & configuration assistance.
Support is also included 8 am -6 pm CEST, Mon-Friday in all of our offers. See the full feature comparison below.

Custom Development

Upon Request
  • Contact us to customize planning to your Custom Needs

Unsure about which edition to choose from ? Compare all features here ou contact us for advice.

Frequently Asked, Honestly answered

Is there any commitment with the plans ?

Multi-Planning is free for 15 days. No credit card is required to access unlimited features nor number of users.

Multi-Planning has zero commitment. If you pick the monthly payment option, you can leave at any time.

If you opt for the yearly discounted payment, payment will be deducted from your account after the 15 day trial period.

What happens if I go over my plan user limit during the month ?

You will be automatically upgraded to the next available plan at the start of the next month.

What if one of my team member is sick or on leave for an important period of time ?

You can temporarily or permanently deactivate a user from your admin access.

Data of the collaborator will of course remain stored securely on our server, located within the EU.

I have more questions.

We are here to answer you. Fire up the chat with our Product expert or by contacting our team by telephone on +33 2 40 25 99 43‬.

Detailed feature comparison

Simplifiez le quotidien de vos équipes de travail
avec notre agenda partagé - support inclus !

Contenu de la démonstration

Durant cette session interactive et guidée, un de nos experts produits personnalisera avec vous l'outil pour que vous tiriez le meilleur parti de votre test.

Vos bénéfices :

Nous avons assisté plus de 600 compagnies en plus de 10 ans d'expérience :

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